These provisions regulate the use of the internet portal service of which ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, hereinafter ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, is the owner of the website www.zuekoos.com and other web pages with the same address but with generic domains of Upper level. In compliance with the duty of identification required by article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following identifying information is reflected below: the company that owns this website is ZUEKOOS MODA, SL with CIF B-10662872, registered in the Mercantile Registry, volume 4475, page 8, page: 179885, entry 1, with address at Vall de Uixo, 58 - 03206 Elche (Alicante) Spain.


www.zuekoos.com, as well as the contents and services that comprise it, are the property or are under the control of ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, being protected without limitation by Spanish industrial and intellectual property laws, as well as the different international treaties that are applicable. ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is the exclusive owner by itself or as assignee of all similar intellectual and industrial property rights that may apply to the website.

Furthermore, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL reserves all rights to the contents, services or elements of its property that are incorporated into the website. All rights being reserved, by virtue of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law, the following are expressly prohibited: the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this page. website, for commercial or advertising purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the express authorization of ZUEKOOS MODA, SL The user agrees to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by ZUEKOOS MODA, SL


Regarding the product acquisition services that ZUEKOOS MODA, SL offers through the Portal, Users are informed that the Conditions of Use in force at each time an order is placed will apply to said service. The data that the User/Customer voluntarily provides to ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, are necessary to meet your request to send the products you request, therefore, non-completion of said data may prevent ZUEKOOS MODA, SL from providing all those related services. to such data, releasing you from all responsibility for the non-provision or incomplete provision of these services.
Said data will be filed in a file under the responsibility of ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, where you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. The processing of said data is necessary for the management of the orders for ZUEKOOS MODA, SL products that you request through the Portal, as well as for the preparation of invoices and the historical maintenance of sales. In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, you are informed that through this service, you will be able to acquire and receive those products offered on the Portal. and request through it. In the Conditions of Use in force on the Portal you will find detailed information on the content of the products, price, applicable taxes, shipping costs, as well as the different payment methods. By confirming the order, the User accepts the Conditions of Use applicable to the sale of
the requested products.


These general conditions regulate the use of the website of ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, which is accessed through the main address www.zuekoos.com, as well as through all those addresses that allow direct access to some sections or web pages belonging to the website.


This website provides access to information, services or programs or data, hereinafter the contents on the Internet. Through this Website, users are provided with access to and use of various services and content made available by ZUEKOOS MODA, SL or by third parties.

The user assumes responsibility for the use of the portal. The user undertakes to use the Website and the Contents and/or Services incorporated into it diligently and correctly, for strictly personal, private and non-commercial purposes. Use of the website not allowed, the user agrees to:
a) Not to use the Website to carry out activities contrary to the law, fundamental rights, morality, accepted good customs or established public order and for illegal purposes or effects, prohibited or contrary to the rights and interests of third parties, including the dissemination or association with web pages of obscene, xenophobic, racist, pornographic content, advocating terrorism or that violates human rights, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL declining any responsibility that may derive from all of the above .
b) It is expressly prohibited for the user to authorize third parties to use, in whole or in part, the Website or to introduce and/or incorporate the contents and/or services incorporated into it as, or in, their own business activity.
c) The use or application of any technical, logical or technological resources by virtue of which users can benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from the unauthorized exploitation of the contents and/or services or the Website itself.
d) The user undertakes to refrain from using the contents and services in any way that may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the website or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of it by other users.
e) The user undertakes not to cause damage to the website, nor to the computer systems of its providers or third parties.
f) The user agrees not to collect data or content for advertising purposes.


Access and/or use of the ZUEKOOS MODA, SL website attributes the condition of user. The use or access to this site implies knowledge and full acceptance of these General Conditions and those that, at any time, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL may establish.
Consequently, it will be the responsibility of every visitor or user to carefully read the General Conditions of Use in force on each of the occasions in which they access this Website.
In the event that the user does not agree with any or all of the following terms, they must refrain from accessing the Website and/or using the contents and/or services available. In any case, the user through access accepts the general conditions of the contract.

6.1. Data collection forms:
The use of certain services or requests may be conditioned to the prior completion of the corresponding User request form.

All information provided by the User through the Portal forms for the above purposes or any other must be truthful. For these purposes, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data communicated, and will keep the information provided to ZUEKOOS MODA, SL perfectly updated so that it responds, at all times, to the User's real situation. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for the false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to ZUEKOOS MODA, SL or third parties due to the information provided. In order to provide ZUEKOOS MODA, SL data, the User must also have all the authorizations required by current legislation at all times, being responsible to ZUEKOOS MODA, SL and/or any third party, for any contingency that may derive from the lack of authorization.

6.2. Denial of access:
ZUEKOOS MODA, SL reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its websites and/or services offered without prior notice, at its own request or at the request of a third party, to those users who fail to comply with the conditions of use.

6.3. Product:
The style, design and colors of the products displayed on this site may be modified without prior notice. Likewise, models can be canceled or discontinued without prior notice.
6.4. Modifications:
ZUEKOOS MODA, SL reserves the right to make the modifications it deems appropriate to its Web pages without prior notice, and ZUEKOOS MODA, SL may change, delete or add both the content and services provided through it and the way in which which they appear presented or located on their Site. In any case, these General Conditions of Use will be in force until the publication, if applicable, of the new ones.

6.5. Cookies policy:
Cookies allow you to personalize and facilitate the user's navigation on the web. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and his computer, not providing references that allow the user's personal data to be obtained. ZUEKOOS MODA, SL may use cookies on its website, allowing the user to configure their browser so that it warns of the establishment of cookies and can, if they are not interested, reject their installation.

6.6. Link Policy:
The people who intend to establish a link between their web page and the web site of ZUEKOOS MODA, SL must comply with the following conditions: The user may not reproduce or imitate all or part of the content of this web, and the use of 'framing' is not allowed. nor assembled links such as the 'online links' of the ZUEKOOS MODA, SL page
The web page in which the link is established will not contain illegal information or content contrary to morality, fundamental rights, good customs and public order. The provisions of the section on Unallowed Use of the portal are applicable.
Nor is it allowed to establish a link to pages that host content or provide services that are contrary to the rights of third parties. No false, inaccurate or denigrating statements or indications will be made on the website. It will not be declared or implied that ZUEKOOS MODA, SL collaborates or is a collaborating partner or that in any way it has supervised or assumed in any way the contents or services offered or made available on the web page of which the link. In the event that links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites are established on the websites, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL will not exercise any type of control over said sites and content. In no case will ZUEKOOS MODA, SL assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to a third-party website, therefore not guaranteeing the quality, accessibility, reliability, accuracy, veracity and legality of any type of material or information.
contained in these websites. In no case is there an association between the website of ZUEKOOS MODA, SL and the linked external pages.


ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any kind that could cause, by way of example: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious programs or harmful in the contents, despite having adopted all the necessary technological measures to avoid it. ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is not responsible for any damage caused to the computer equipment of Users or third parties during the provision of the Portal service.

Access to the Portal requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport through telecommunications networks, whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation does not correspond to ZUEKOOS MODA, SL. Consequently, the services provided through the Portal may be suspended. , canceled or be totally or partially inaccessible, permanently or temporarily, prior to or simultaneously with the provision of the Portal service.

ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is not responsible for damages or losses of any kind caused to the User, which are caused by failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision of the same or in advance.

7.1. Forums and discussions:
ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is not responsible for the statements or opinions that could be expressed in the different permanent forums, in the bulletins or occasional gatherings that, where appropriate, are going to be developed within this Website, but will try in all time the correct use of these mechanisms or services, and will ensure the utmost respect for the dignity of people and freedom of expression protected by the Spanish Constitution, reserving in any case the right to deny or eliminate interventions of illegal content or that Consider drawbacks without the need for any justification or explanation, as soon as you have effective knowledge of them. Users of these services will avoid any type of false, abusive, obscene, threatening manifestation or that in any way infringes current legislation, and will show respectful treatment towards third parties, whether or not they participate in forums or gatherings.
7.2. Information:
The information, both its own and that of third parties, that appears on this Website is provided "as is", without guarantees of any kind regarding its accuracy and updating. As a consequence, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is not responsible for the possible damages that the use of the same could cause. ZUEKOOS MODA, SL undertakes to do everything possible to prevent the existence of illegal content on its Site and, in the event that it has effective knowledge of this content, eliminate it or prevent access to it. However, the legality of the content provided on the basis of information provided by third-party providers, collaborators or users is not guaranteed.
7.3. Mistakes:
In relation to what is mentioned in the previous paragraph, the published documents could contain technical inconsistencies or involuntary typographical errors, of which ZUEKOOS MODA, SL will correct them as soon as possible, said irregularities and appreciates any comments, rectifications or suggestions in this regard, that the user can send to zuekoos@gmail.com.

7.4. Minors:
ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is not responsible for the possible damages that the use of the services by minors may cause. Parents and legal representatives will be held responsible for all acts performed by minors under their care.

7.5. Privacy:
ZUEKOOS MODA, SL does not guarantee absolute privacy in the use of this Site, since the possibility that unauthorized third parties may have knowledge of it and the circumstances in which it is carried out should not be ruled out.
7.6. Technical malfunctions:
ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is exempt from any responsibility derived from the malfunction of the Site or any of its services that has its origin in an accidental circumstance, such as the lack of availability of the portal, force majeure, necessary maintenance work or any other cause not attributable to himself.

7.7. User Responsibility:
The User is aware of his exclusive responsibility for the use made of the Portal in accordance with this Privacy Policy, exempting ZUEKOOS MODA, SL from liability of any kind, demand or claim, including legal representation fees even if it was not mandatory, which could be filed by a third party, due to or as a result of your conduct or your connection to this website, the content it offers, your violation of this Privacy Policy or any other violation of the rights
of another person or party.

7.8. General Limitation of Liability:
The User explicitly understands and accepts that ZUEKOOS MODA, SL will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, extraordinary or incidental damage, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data or other losses, as a result of: the use or inability to use the Portal, the cost to obtain replacement of the goods as a result of any operation carried out on or through the Portal, unauthorized access or alteration of the transmission of your data, unauthorized assignment or transmission by ZUEKOOS MODA, SL of personal data made by the User or by any third party, or any other circumstances. Likewise, it is expressly stated that ZUEKOOS MODA, SL does not offer guarantees, implicit or explicit, regarding the non-interruption of access to the Portal, the lack of errors, the absence of viruses, punctuality, security, precision, trust, in any quality as well as the need for any content to be secure in any of the senses. The user accepts that this privacy policy may undergo modifications that will be adequately publicized on the Portal.


Although, in principle, the duration of this Site is indeterminate, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the provision of its services or content, in whole or in part, at any time, and without need for prior notice to its users.

In addition, the information, presentation and services offered by this Site may be subject to periodic or occasional changes to ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, which can be made freely by ZUEKOOS MODA, SL without being obliged to notify users.


ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, will treat your right to privacy with the greatest diligence and wants you to feel comfortable browsing its website. Consequently, and in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on Data Protection 15/1999, you are informed that the data that may be collected through the data collection forms of the Portal will be incorporated into an automated file of personal data for which ZUEKOOS MODA, SL is responsible
This entity will treat the data confidentially and exclusively for the purpose of managing the relationship with its customers and/or users, and promoting and/or marketing the products of ZUEKOOS MODA, SL Likewise, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL will cancel, delete and/or will block the data
when they are inaccurate, incomplete or have ceased to be necessary or relevant for their purpose, in accordance with the provisions of the data protection legislation.

By clicking the 'send' button on the corresponding form, the User expressly consents that their data may be used to provide the requested service, and to send commercial communications from ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, by email or by any other means.
The user may receive commercial communications once they have given their consent to that effect. The user may revoke the consent given to receive commercial communications at any time.
The User may revoke the consent given and exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by contacting the address indicated in clause 1 for this purpose. ZUEKOOS MODA, SL adopts the security levels required by Organic Law 15/1999 , of December 13 on the protection of personal data (LOPD) and by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which approves the
Regulation of development of the LOPD.
In addition, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL has an internal privacy and personal data processing policy, suitable for achieving adequate levels of protection of the data provided by Users, in accordance with current legislation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, technical security in a medium such as the Internet is not impregnable and there may be leaks due to malicious actions by third parties. The processing of personal data is subject to the principle of quality and purpose of the data, for which reason ZUEKOOS MODA, SL will only request the data strictly necessary for the effective provision of the services required by the users, through the Portal.
Regarding the personal data that the User, by browsing the Web pages of the Portal, can provide for any reason to ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, the User is warned that they will have to have all the pertinent authorizations, in accordance with with current legislation, to be able to carry out said assignment or transmission to ZUEKOOS MODA, SL
In this sense, the User will be solely responsible for obtaining the authorizations of those affected, in accordance with the procedures provided by law, ZUEKOOS MODA, SL not assuming any responsibility in this regard, neither towards the User nor towards any third party. The User acknowledges and accepts that, in relation to the data provided, they must hold ZUEKOOS MODA, SL harmless against any contingency that may arise from the assignment or transmission made. The data thus acquired by ZUEKOOS MODA, SL, will be analyzed in order to verify whether the treatment thereof responds to lawful purposes and consistent with the activity of ZUEKOOS MODA, SL


The relationship between ZUEKOOS MODA, SL and the user will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any controversy will be submitted:
a) to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Elche or in the absence of commercial courts in the city of Elche, those of Alicante will be competent when the user is a businessman or b) to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of domicile of the user in the case of a consumer, in accordance with current legislation. ZUEKOOS MODA, SL reserves the right to exercise all criminal and civil actions in case of unauthorized use or breach of these conditions.